Antigua and Barbuda

North America (Continent)


ISO 3166-1

Coat of arms of Antigua and Barbuda

Company Registry

Antigua and Barbuda has a public registry available and does not require any kind of subscription or paid plan to access the information. Click the link below and you will be redirected straight to the country`s official registry.

Intellectual property & Commerce Office

The company registry in Antigua and Barbuda is known as the Companies Registry. It is the official government agency responsible for the registration and administration of companies in the country. The Companies Registry operates under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Registrar of Companies, which is part of the Ministry of Legal Affairs.

The main functions and services provided by the Companies Registry in Antigua and Barbuda include:

  1. Company Incorporation: The Companies Registry handles the process of company incorporation. It receives and processes applications for the registration of various types of companies, including private limited companies, public limited companies, and foreign companies operating in Antigua and Barbuda. It ensures compliance with legal requirements and issues certificates of incorporation upon successful registration.
  2. Company Name Reservation: The Companies Registry allows individuals or entities to reserve a company name prior to incorporation. This ensures that the desired name is not taken by another party during the incorporation process.
  3. Filing of Company Documents: The Companies Registry requires registered companies to file certain documents and information on an ongoing basis. This includes annual returns, changes in company details (such as directors, shareholders, and registered address), and other relevant updates. These filings help maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of registered companies.
  4. Company Searches and Information: The Companies Registry provides access to the public register of companies. Interested parties can conduct searches and obtain official company information, such as company names, registration numbers, registered addresses, directors, and shareholders. This information is useful for due diligence, business research, and other purposes.
  5. Dissolution and Striking Off: The Companies Registry oversees the process of company dissolution and striking off. This involves the removal of defunct or inactive companies from the register.

The Companies Registry in Antigua and Barbuda plays a vital role in facilitating the establishment, administration, and regulation of companies in the country. It ensures compliance with legal requirements, promotes transparency, and provides access to company information for the benefit of businesses, investors, and the general public.

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Extract from commercial register of Antigua and Barbuda

Registrall provides extracts from the commercial register of Antigua and Barbuda.

Professional Services

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