
South America (Continent)


ISO 3166-1

Coat of arms of Brazil

Company Registry

Brazil has a public registry available.

The current registry of Brazil requires users to have an account to fully access the information. Some fees/charges may apply. Click the link below and you will be redirected straight to the country`s official registry.

National Register of Legal Entities - CNPJ

In Brazil, the company registry is known as the National Register of Legal Entities (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, or CNPJ). It is the official database managed by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) and is responsible for registering and storing information about legal entities operating in the country.

The CNPJ serves as a unique identification number for businesses and entities in Brazil, similar to a tax identification number. It is required for conducting various business transactions, including opening bank accounts, issuing invoices, and participating in legal and financial activities.

The company registry (CNPJ) provides the following information about registered entities:

  1. Company Name: The legal name of the entity.
  2. CNPJ Number: The unique identification number assigned to the entity.
  3. Legal Structure: The type of legal entity, such as a corporation (Sociedade Anônima - S.A.), limited liability company (Sociedade Limitada - Ltda.), partnership (Sociedade em Nome Coletivo - S.N.C.), or individual entrepreneur (Empresário Individual).
  4. Registered Address: The official address where the entity is registered.
  5. Shareholders or Partners: Information about the entity's shareholders or partners, including their names, identification numbers, and ownership percentages.
  6. Directors and Officers: Details of the entity's directors and officers, including their names and positions within the company.
  7. Economic Activities: Description of the primary economic activities in which the entity is engaged.
  8. Registration Dates: The dates of registration and any subsequent changes made to the entity's information.

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Extract from commercial register of Brazil

Registrall provides extracts from the commercial register of Brazil.

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