
North America (Continent)


ISO 3166-1

Coat of arms of Haiti

Company Registry

Unfortunately, Haiti does not have a public registry available.

However, we have found an official link that may be useful to what you are looking for.

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie) in Haiti is a government department responsible for overseeing and regulating trade and industrial activities in the country. Its primary objective is to promote economic development, attract investments, and ensure fair and transparent business practices.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Haiti carries out various functions, including:

  1. Trade Policy: The ministry formulates and implements trade policies aimed at fostering domestic and international trade. This involves developing strategies to enhance market access, trade facilitation, and competitiveness.
  2. Investment Promotion: The ministry works to attract domestic and foreign investment in Haiti. It develops investment promotion programs, facilitates business opportunities, and provides support services to investors.
  3. Industrial Development: The ministry supports the growth and development of the industrial sector in Haiti. It formulates policies to stimulate industrial activities, promote entrepreneurship, and enhance productivity.
  4. Consumer Protection: The ministry is responsible for protecting consumer rights and interests. It enforces regulations to ensure the quality, safety, and fair pricing of goods and services in the market.
  5. Market Regulation: The ministry oversees the regulation and licensing of businesses and traders in Haiti. It promotes fair competition, monitors market practices, and addresses issues related to anti-competitive behavior or unfair trade practices.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Haiti collaborates with other government agencies, private sector organizations, and international partners to promote trade, investment, and industrial development. Its aim is to create an enabling environment for businesses, encourage economic growth, and contribute to poverty reduction.

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Extract from commercial register of Haiti

Registrall provides extracts from the commercial register of Haiti.

Professional Services

Our company provides high-quality, swift, and professional services with utmost transparency and honesty. Services include:

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