
South America (Continent)


ISO 3166-1

Coat of arms of Martinique

Company Registry

Martinique has a public registry available and does not require any kind of subscription or paid plan to access the information. Click the link below and you will be redirected straight to the country`s official registry.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Martinique, known as Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie de Martinique (CCIM), are organizations that represent the interests of businesses and contribute to the economic development of Martinique, an overseas department and region of France in the Caribbean.

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Martinique perform various functions and provide services to support businesses, including:

  1. Business Support and Guidance: The CCIM offers support services to businesses, providing guidance and assistance in areas such as business planning, financing, marketing, and legal requirements. It aims to foster entrepreneurship and facilitate the growth of local businesses.
  2. Business Networking and Events: The chambers organize networking events, seminars, workshops, and conferences to facilitate connections among businesses and entrepreneurs. These events provide opportunities for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and expanding business networks.
  3. Economic Development and Advocacy: The CCIM plays a role in promoting economic development in Martinique. It identifies economic opportunities, advocates for favorable business conditions, and works with government authorities and other stakeholders to address issues affecting the business environment.
  4. Training and Education: The chambers provide training programs, workshops, and educational resources to enhance the skills and knowledge of business owners and employees. These initiatives aim to improve the competitiveness and performance of local businesses.
  5. International Trade and Export Promotion: The chambers facilitate international trade and export promotion activities for businesses in Martinique. They may organize trade missions, participate in international fairs and exhibitions, and provide support and guidance to businesses seeking to expand their presence in international markets.
  6. Business Services and Resources: The CCIM offers various services and resources to businesses, including business registration assistance, access to databases and market information, business directories, and business publications. These services aim to facilitate business operations and provide relevant information for decision-making.

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Martinique act as intermediaries between businesses and government authorities, helping to create a favorable business environment, fostering economic growth, and supporting the development of the local business community.

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Go tho the registry

Extract from commercial register of Martinique

Registrall provides extracts from the commercial register of Martinique.

Professional Services

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