Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

South America (Continent)


ISO 3166-1

Coat of arms of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Company Registry

Unfortunately, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) does not have a public registry available.

However, we have found an official link that may be useful to what you are looking for.

Autonomous Service of Registries and Notaries

SAREN stands for Servicio Autónomo de Registros y Notarías, which translates to Autonomous Service of Registries and Notaries in English. SAREN is a government agency in Venezuela responsible for managing and overseeing the registration and notarial services in the country.

The main functions of SAREN include the registration of property rights, such as land and real estate, as well as other legal matters like companies, associations, and civil status events. It maintains official records and documents related to these registrations, ensuring their accuracy and legal validity.

SAREN also oversees the notarial services provided by public notaries (notarios públicos) in Venezuela. Notaries, who are authorized professionals, play a crucial role in certifying and authenticating legal documents, witnessing signatures, and providing legal advice related to contracts and other legal acts.

Through its services, SAREN aims to provide legal certainty, facilitate property transactions, protect the rights of individuals and entities, and ensure the proper administration of registries and notarial services in Venezuela.

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Extract from commercial register of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Registrall provides extracts from the commercial register of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).

Professional Services

Our company provides high-quality, swift, and professional services with utmost transparency and honesty. Services include:

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